ORACLE Retreat Registrations
* All Release Forms must be completed and submitted with payment.
January 31, February 1, and February 2, 2025
In the ORACLE WWW Directed Retreat, individuals meet with a spiritual director who may suggest scripture passages for prayer and reflection. The Directed Retreat may include an experience of individual or communal faith sharing and processing at the end of each day. During direction sessions, director may reflect back to the retreatant what they observe is happening in their lives and their prayer, and assist the retreatant in clarifying where God is in the midst of their experiences and where God seems to be calling them. Most people on directed retreats maintain silence and have minimal interaction during retreat except for their prescribed meetings.
Meals (Saturday and Sunday) and Lodging (Friday night and Saturday night) included.
BMW (Blind Men Witness) Retreat is an eye-opener! Based on scripture about the “Man Born Blind” (John 9:1-41) The BMW Retreat is designed for men’s spiritual growth. God has an intent to heal His men of pains, assaults and of crises imposed. God offers a spiritual "BMW" Retreat not "A-FORD." For $225.00 - Make the decision! Accept His offer!
BMW Schedule:* Saturday sessions:
8 am to 6 pm.* Saturday meals:
Lunch and Dinner
March 14, 15, 16, 2025
Sr. Dr. Oralisa Martin
and Msgr. Raymond East
PATH of the SUFFERING SAVIOR: JESUS CHRIST! Schedule:* Friday sessions: scheduled for 5 pm to 8 pm* Saturday sessions: scheduled for 8 am to 9 pm
* Meals: Friday Dinner
Saturday Lunch and Banquet
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There will be good preaching and teachings, sharing, fellowshipping and bonding.
October 2025
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WWW Schedule:* Friday: 6 pm to 10 pm* Saturday: 9 am to 9 pm* Sunday: 8 am to 2 pm
Sunday Mass (Time pending)* Three delicious meals:
Saturday Continental Breakfast
Saturday Lunch
Saturday Banquet